Todo Bajo Control y Nada Resuelto. Mis Memorias de la Aviación en Cuba, 1968-79

Presentación por Rosario Fernández, Editora: 

Ameno, atractivo y con un cromatico vocabulario inequívocamente caribeño, el autor nos introduce en los avatares más inusitados de una actividad tan interesante como la aviación y lo que representó esa época para Cuba. La narración aglutina hechos y realidades reveladoras del empirismo que marcó el quehacer técnico de esos años, incluyendo momentos de esa pequeña historia cotidiana que no aparece en los libros de texto, resaltando valores como la amistad, la solidaridad propia de los cubanos y su alegría de vivir, a pesar de la incomprensión, la envidia y la subordinación miope que impuso el status quo imperante. Sus reseñas geográficas, históricas, literarias y arquitectónicas dibujan el entorno al que el autor logra trasladarnos, describiendo lugares maravillosos del viejo continente, y a épocas que han dejado marcas en la memoria y también en el corazón de quienes les tocó vivirlas. Todo bajo control... dibuja una realidad cotidiana, pero trascendente, de un país que tuvo que lidiar con el freno propio que la ignorancia y los mecanismos de poder ejercieron y ejercen en el desinhibido intelecto natural de los cubanos.

Healthcare from the Trenches, 

por Dr. Alejandro Badía: un extracto de su libro recién publiado en Amazon, donde explica su ascendencia y vínculos con la Medicina.

Healthcare from the Trenches: An Insider Account of the Complex Barriers of U.S. Healthcare from the Providers and Patients' Perspective.

I am a proud immigrant. I was born in Cuba and came to the United States with my parents in 1964. My father is a native of Valencia Spain. He was studying engineering in Havana when he met my mother, who lived across the street in the modest neighborhood known as “Ampliacion de Almendares.” My mom descends from a long lineage of physicians. I discovered just how long that lineage was several years ago, when I gave a lecture for the Cornell Entrepreneurial Network (CEN) and decided to research my family history a bit more. What I discovered was simply amazing. One of my relatives, Dr. Nicolas Gutierrez (1800-1890), was a co-founder of the Cuban Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences He was my great, great, great, great grandfather and was credited with being the first physician to splint a long bone fracture. Yes, we are talking orthopedics, but back then it was not called orthopedics; they were all general doctors. He attained many accolades including publishing the first medical journal in Cuba, after the Cholera epidemic of 1833, and was the official Cuban physician for the King of Spain, Chancellor of the University of Havana, etc. My maternal great uncle, Cesar E. Carvallo de Aragon, was the closest physician relative to me and was one of a group of Cuban physicians who studied at Le Sorbonne, in Paris. I had the honor of repairing his painful shoulder rotator cuff tear when he was in his 80s and he was an exemplary and grateful patient. He was also the godfather to my only sister, Susana. Between him and Dr. Nico Gutierrez there were three other physicians and surgeons who remain the source of great family pride. While I knew little detail of their lives, there was always a subliminal presence for me.

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